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hello there, i used to hang around on here loads before i actually got a manta then stopped for some reason when i actually got one. i got stuck in ongoing project status and haven't actually driven my car for over about 15 months now. well i handed over my A-series to someone with the tools, time, space and knowledge to finish what i started and it just came home today. it's had all the plumbing and electrics taken care of i just need to stick it all back together then get it road legal.

so no doubt i'll be asking all kinds of stupid questions over the coming weeks and months so i thought i better sign up.

anyway, here is the car when i first got it;


and this is it now;




although unfortunately not road legal for that year me thinks.

well spotted. it's just what came with the car. not sure 'how' illegal it is but i did have some legal ones made that i'll be using on the road.


That is a really nice looking A, and a nice colour coded engine to boot aswell. B)

Welcome to the forum and i'm sure there are plenty of people on here to answer any qeustions you may have.

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