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Sportshatch. "not In Bad Condition"

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(pun post) Looks like a one previous owner, with very low mileage motor.

I reckon the original owner might still be in the caravan!! so there's a good chance the keys will be there.

And knowing, that some of the fine chaps, we have in this club, who wouldn't turn down the chance of a bargin ;)

I reckon it will sell! Also guys it's ideal for the billing! the caravan is already attached!! no wet tents etc

The seller said something about half a bottle of calour gas (hmmm) Its got to worth a bid :D

He He pmsl!!

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1900SR, that was my original thought, that the glass would be clear, if anyone does or even can get it I would buy the glass from the doors & sides. I'm pretty sure I can arrange collection it it becomes available.

I just cant imagine anyone will try & move that except to the scrappy though, maybe I will have to contact the seller if it doesn't sell & ask if he is willing to break it.

I fear it will all just disappear into the undergrowth.

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Cavtastic, go get it mate, you can get yourself 50 notes for the side glass.........................................

(pun) For the caravan glass? Must be all that window Licking ;) Looking forward to seeing your classic caravan at the billing Plumster :D

you don't happen to have a link to the classic caravan club? he he :lol:

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