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Gearbox Oil


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Finally remembered to get an old bottle of gearbox oil from the workshop,the numbers on the bottle are-

1 # 93165290

19 40 182 GR.4.581

One or both of these are the part number (i suspect the top one but i've put both in case i'm wrong)

Remeber if you are a member of the Opel Manta OC you come under the umbrella of the Vauxhall,Bedford,Opel Association and thus you get trade club discount hence this oil wont be that expensive.

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Remeber if you are a member of the Opel Manta OC you come under the umbrella of the Vauxhall,Bedford,Opel Association and thus you get trade club discount hence this oil wont be that expensive.

Any discount on replacing your 'braw' jeans after spilling the cat p**s on them??? three times [washed] and were still smelling :( My advice? make sure the [braw/200+ bhp] spare axle is 'oot thi way' when looking for something else :angry:

ps; pun post :D

Edited by keith1200
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