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Hi guys,

i'm now rebuilding my Manta 2.0S engine(replacing the cylinder head with a 2.2 head).

What engine oil is best to use? 20/50 or 15/40?

In Cyprus during summer is too hot(around 40C+),but nowadays in winter is around 10C.

What do you suggest then?

Many thanks.


Hello Senna1,

I used 15/40 in my modified CIH engine. It didn't burn oil or rattle. My Cylinder head had been modified with a tube around the oil's drain in the head. This tube was to keep more oil up in the head around the cam and followers. I think 20/50 might be a bit thick for a freshly rebuilt CIH engine....Luke.


Personally i use 20/50, found that the oil pressure dropped with 15/40.

Usually use a really cheap 20/50 for running in and then switch to valvoline racing 20/50. Use that because its the only oil that doesnt foam up when revving the motors hard. Alot of stock car drivers i used to know had that problem until they switched.

Take a look at the oil gallerys while the engine is apart, they are huge compared to other engines i've pulled apart.




Thanks to all! :)

But as Chris said,i used to have the same issue with low oil pressure when using the 15/40 oil.I thought that this was due to very hot climate here in Cyprus during summer.

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