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To all non-members who own a Manta or MK1 Cavalier should seriously think about joining this club!

Why- I've been a member for 10 years, in that time I've needed technical assistance on many occasions, I've never once failed to get the help, guidence and information I needed to complete my project.

The purchase of very rare parts for my projects from other members:

Someone, somewhere has always had the very rare parts I have needed, and they have never cost me the earth to buy either!

Recently I was desperate for a full set of "Wheel arch brightwork" for my MK1 Cavalier rescue project! - I now have a complete set plus 2 spare thanks to a club member.

£25 bargin

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A lot of people question "what do I get for my money?"

Well, not only the above.... but more recently ive realised that I have some very good friends through the OMOC. People who I would have never met. This to me is priceless. I was talking to a senior member of the OMOC while at a party of his and we both felt that the friends you make in the club are the best part and more valuble than anything else on offer. Ive been to Holland and made friends over there, my second mother was an active member in this club for years and the people Ive had pleasure of meeting over the years has been fantastic. The club is what you make it. So make it good!


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agree....brilliant club to be a part of,only met a couple members in person..but everyone iv spoken to/delt with online for parts etc etc its like a family happy to help each other save cars etc.

brilliant club...best club iv ever been a part of!

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Club membership is FREE !

Well it is when you take into acount the savings you can make being a club member.

most 'classic' insurance companies give a discount if your a member of the relevant car club.

The big savings come from the parts discount, trade price, available at Vauxhall dealers curtesy of the arrangement organised by the Vauxhall,Bedford,Opel Association which our club is one of the members, there aren't many parts availble for Manta's at a Vauxhall dealer BUT.. You can use this discount for your modern Vauxhall. anyway a new battery for your Manta from a Vauxhall dealer will save you the membership fee.

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Good to hear that everyone is still enjoying and reaping the benefits, having been in the club from day one and still have a Manta, actually have two again now. One here and one due to come out shortly.

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It would be interesting to hear from non-members here as to what makes you not want to join? Purely as a fact find exercise. It seems it is only the members replying to this thread, so any non-members like to contribute maybe?


Well smiffy as a non-member I'm hoping to join soon. What I'm looking to gain from joining is the sense of being part of a unique club because I own a unique car. I would possibly be looking for parts or have parts to exchange with others. Definitely looking to draw on experience of others for my restoration. Some meet ups would be good too. As a non member I do feel slightly left out so hopefully that will all change once I'm a paid up member



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Davy, there are plenty of members in Scotland who I'm sure would be more than happy to help out with parts and expertise!

I've been a member of this club since I bought my first brown Sportshatch back in about 2007 and I could not have met a lovelier bunch of people. The £25 a year is worth it just for the connections you make, if there's something you need then you can virtually guarantee someone will have it. I've made some excellent friends along the way who've helped me out of some tight spots, likewise I've probably helped some other members out of tight spots too. Proper community in this club :)

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It would be interesting to hear from non-members here as to what makes you not want to join? Purely as a fact find exercise. It seems it is only the members replying to this thread, so any non-members like to contribute maybe?


I'm a non-member now, I have been a member for a few years but as an old pensioner, money getting tight and all that, I had to cut down on my outgoings, this is a very fine Club without doubt, but's it's not as perfect as you all seem to make it out to be? Just my opinion but I have been a member of several other car clubs, at one time I was a member of four all at the same time but as I said, money got tight so I could only justify belonging to one and I chose another because in my opinion, it's a much better Club and gives me much better value?

Make no mistake about it, I met some really lovely people through this Club and they will continue to be friends forever, I couldn't have restored my car without their help.....but!....There's always a but! I also met a number of people who were out to fleece me, or at least that's how they left me feeling, I have a shed full of parts I bought in good faith that don't fit and now I know more about Mantas know they could never fit, I was sold parts that came from something totally different to my car, I have windscreen wipers that are set the wrong way, hoses that would never fit under any circumstances, the list is endless, all stuff I bought at the beginning of my restoration and as I got towards the end I found I had been ripped off, it left a bad taste in my mouth, if you want to be forgiving, you could say that they made a mistake or the parts got muddled in their garage but I find that hard to believe myself, I'm not crying over spilled milk, it's in the past and I've moved on but for me, it did spoil my enjoyment of this very good club.

Also, belonging to other Clubs does open your eyes, just an example, I also belong to the Autobahnstormers, when at Billing, we turn up, have a great weekend, the last few years we've had a 'Hog Roast' all for free, (last year they had to make a £3 per head charge but still very worthwhile in my opinion?) no extra fees as you all seem to pay? No one explains why you charge to get in? I'm sure it's justified and I'm not accusing anyone of doing anything wrong, it would just be nice to know where the money is going and why the fees are charged when other Clubs don't? You also get a great full colour glossy magazine as well as 'trade Club' with the ABS, overall, it just seems better value to me? Plus after being a member for more years than I care to remember, I have never once been left feeling that I've been ripped off?

I don't want to start a 'my clubs is better than yours' argument, they're all different and as I said, the OMOC is a fine club, just not for me at the moment, if my financial situation improves, then I would have no hesitation in re-joining, I hope my being honest with my opinion doesn't offend anyone, I have been very grateful to many of you over the years but I think there is room for improvement, having real names for a start would be good so we all know who we're talking to, I hate all these alias' where people talk to each other because they obviously know each other but that makes the rest of us that doesn't know them feel very excluded, the ABS is often accused of being 'elitist', well I put it to you that you're the one's making people feel left out?

All just my opinion, I wasn't going to say anything but as Smiffy220 asked, I thought I'd stick my oar in!!




I also met a number of people who were out to fleece me, or at least that's how they left me feeling, I have a shed full of parts I bought in good faith that don't fit and now I know more about Mantas know they could never fit, I was sold parts that came from something totally different to my car, I have windscreen wipers that are set the wrong way, hoses that would never fit under any circumstances, the list is endless, all stuff I bought at the beginning of my restoration and as I got towards the end I found I had been ripped off, it left a bad taste in my mouth, if you want to be forgiving, you could say that they made a mistake or the parts got muddled in their garage but I find that hard to believe myself, I'm not crying over spilled milk, it's in the past and I've moved on but for me, it did spoil my enjoyment of this very good club.

Also, belonging to other Clubs does open your eyes, just an example, I also belong to the Autobahnstormers, when at Billing, we turn up, have a great weekend, the last few years we've had a 'Hog Roast' all for free, (last year they had to make a £3 per head charge but still very worthwhile in my opinion?) no extra fees as you all seem to pay? No one explains why you charge to get in? I'm sure it's justified and I'm not accusing anyone of doing anything wrong, it would just be nice to know where the money is going and why the fees are charged when other Clubs don't? You also get a great full colour glossy magazine as well as 'trade Club' with the ABS, overall, it just seems better value to me? Plus after being a member for more years than I care to remember, I have never once been left feeling that I've been ripped off?

I don't want to start a 'my clubs is better than yours' argument, they're all different and as I said, the OMOC is a fine club, just not for me at the moment, if my financial situation improves, then I would have no hesitation in re-joining, I hope my being honest with my opinion doesn't offend anyone, I have been very grateful to many of you over the years but I think there is room for improvement, having real names for a start would be good so we all know who we're talking to, I hate all these alias' where people talk to each other because they obviously know each other but that makes the rest of us that doesn't know them feel very excluded, the ABS is often accused of being 'elitist', well I put it to you that you're the one's making people feel left out?

Hi Alf, sorry to hear you've had some bad experiences. As I see it, sadly there will always be people out to make a quick buck out of other people, I've had parts in the past that have been totally wrong but just put it down to experience or tried to get a refund. It may even be an honest mistake on their part, you do say that you've realised the parts are wrong now that you know more about Mantas, I guess it's possible that the sellers thought you were after something different from the descriptions you gave.

I'd also like to say to anyone reading this and considering joining up that we've always had the trade club discount (possibly you just weren't aware of it when you were a member?) and the club magazine has been a proper full colour glossy job for the last few issues. This forum also has the facility to put your real name up as well as your username, as you can see mine's at the bottom left just below my location info.

Please don't think I'm having a go or anything, just pointing out a few things you may not have been aware of :)

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Please don't think I'm having a go or anything, just pointing out a few things you may not have been aware of :)

Hi Rob,

No, I don't think you're having a go and I appreciate all opinions, good and bad, I wasn't aware about putting your name up, I know a lot don't but never noticed that before, I am a bit of a dinosaur where computers and Forums are concerned!! As for the spares, yes, some of the members put their hands up, made an honest mistake, and bent over backwards to put things right....but a few didn't as well! The reason I mentioned the names thing is I believe this would be a better place if we all knew who we were talking to, just my opinion but I do care about this Club, it's been good to me and I want it to continue, as I said, when my finances are better, I will re-join but all the time I have to make a choice, well, it's a very competitive place out there and you have to make the choice that suits you the best, unfortunately, I do feel I get a better deal elsewhere, it's not just the OMOC, I have been a member of the RSOC since the 90's, I had to drop that as well!!

Keep well,



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I've been a club member for years and only haven't been for the last couple because of having to sell all my mantas, parts, tools, garage, etc for a major change in circumstance.. Mantas have been, are and always will be a major part of my life and I didn't want to remain in the club as it would remind me of the loss. Now, I have another manta, it needs a lot of work, alas I have not the tools, spares and it's outside in the rain but rejoining is on my to-do list as I'm going to need the help and hope to have it at Billing 2015, I wouldn't mind my old login though, I have a different email and dont know the password so cant reactivate it.

Quite a few people I know on here still, but a surprising amount who aren't!

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I've been a club member for years and only haven't been for the last couple because of having to sell all my mantas, parts, tools, garage, etc for a major change in circumstance.. Mantas have been, are and always will be a major part of my life and I didn't want to remain in the club as it would remind me of the loss. Now, I have another manta, it needs a lot of work, alas I have not the tools, spares and it's outside in the rain but rejoining is on my to-do list as I'm going to need the help and hope to have it at Billing 2015, I wouldn't mind my old login though, I have a different email and dont know the password so cant reactivate it.

Quite a few people I know on here still, but a surprising amount who aren't!

I can sort that out :thumbup

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Posted (edited)

Great Stoo! Thanks, no probs if you can't or if it's a big hassle, just thought it'd be nice to use my original profile.. My login was 'Rick-Manta' and my new email is <removed so you don't get spammed>.. Thanks again.

Edited by stoo2000
removed email address

Glad to see you back Rick!

Everyone knows me as Sutty, hence the user name. Its a good point to make tho, so i will be putting my name in my profile as I like to know who im talking to etc etc. Yes, I can pretty much say ALL car clubs suffer with the odd few that will go out of their way to make it a bad experiance for others, been there, suffered that, but its all in the past and we get on with what really matters.

But I cant stay around and type any longer, Im off for a 160 mile round trip to have a Mixed Grill at the Devonshire Arms in Cov with my Manta family :D

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Alf, thankyou for your post, it's just what we need, we can sit here looking through our rose tinted glasses thinking the whole world is rosey, when we need to see the picture in full colour, i'll answer some of your points -

I also met a number of people who were out to fleece me,

I have a shed full of parts I bought in good faith that don't fit

I am surprized about this, yes there are one or two people who use this site that opperate 'sharpe practices' i know this from experience of first hand accounts from other members, but these are a few amoungst lots of members who trade parts here, many who sell parts to other members at a price far less than they could get for them on a certain auction site. all i can say is you have been very unlucky and have been unfortunate to mainly encounter those few that are not of the highest morals, something which is certainly not representative of the OMOC as a whole.

No one explains why you charge to get in?

Charging to get into the Manta Field at Billing, I don't know exactly what the charge is spent on but there are trophies, Sunday Buffet, The club has hired lighting, we have had a hog roast but it is something that should be reviewed, could these various expenses be kept to a minimum and come out of general club funds? there is one club that charges to join them on the Great Plains of Billing and none of the members can work out what it's for...

You also get a great full colour glossy magazine as well as 'trade Club' with the ABS,

The Manta Club has recently gone to a full colour magazine, i seen the ABS example and while no doubt it's well presented i think Manta Magic has more substance,even in the pre-colour days, which i prefer to a glossy apperance.

The Manta Club, along with all consitute clubs of the VBOA enjoy Trade Club and always have.

but I think there is room for improvement, having real names for a start would be good so we all know who we're talking to, I hate all these alias'

I agree with you here, i have my name under my post, another forum i am a member of insist that when you fill out your profile you put your real name so as other users can look up who you are, having just user names can become very 'clicky' with those 'in the know' getting along fine and those that don't know the aliases feeling excluded. it is not as easy as making everyone divulge everything about themselves on a public forum but a real name and general location attached to each post would be good.

if my financial situation improves, then I would have no hesitation in re-joining,

here's hoping that you get a little more funds and we can welcome you back soon !!!

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Unfortunately, the 'Fleecing' thing happens on most forums :( It's a sad fact that amongst every car community there are good AND bad. That aside, I haven't even ever owned a Manta (Dad had countless as I grew up) but I happily pay the £25 quid a year just so that I can see the classifieds for when that 400R that I keep dreaming of comes up for sale :lol:

Not only that but I do come here quite often to catch a good read on everybody's projects. I've never been a member of a car club before and find some of the 'Minutes' and 'Committee' business a bit 'Cliquey'? or maybe Geeky? lol. But at the end of the day I just enjoy the Forum side of things more than anything. Keep up the good work (Even though I'm not really a fan of this software!)


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  • 8 months later...

Hi all,

As a "newbie" I have been cruising through a lot of the old posts and comments etc. and have come across this subject in a number of places.Let me say upfront that I will probably not become a financial member,not because I have any great problems with it but simply because being in Australia,very little of what is on offer appears to be relevant to my location but I do however appreciate the ability to post and receive replies in the open section. Regards a "members cars" type section,I have been through this on a number of forums that I participate in,none of which charge for membership but offer full access to the site once you join as registered member while there is a general viewing area that guests are restricted too,in fact,posting of pics is very much encouraged and these people are as proud and protective of their projects as anyone else.

I also agree with the sentiment that it would be nice to know the name of people with whom you are having a dialog,it just makes it a little more personal and seemingly friendlier.The issue,of having people who are out for the money rather than a quality service is Im afraid common through all groups I believe,I have certainly experience it and in some instances we offer a "name and shame" section,this may seem harsh but we always encourage dealing direct with the issue to begin with,only if this does not produce any results is a "name and shame" permitted,this is always authorised by a moderator before posting and the named person has every right of reply if they feel the need to explain or clarify statements,facts etc.

I have been aware of the "Manta" for a long time but had forgotten how lovely they are until I saw mine come up on ebay Australia,just 30 minutes or so away from me so I jumped on it,I was the one and only bidder (I believe the seller has an Opel GT but I didn't see it) and as said in one of the posts I read here by another Australian owner,I dont think most people here would have the foggiest clue what it is.Anyway,just thought I would pop my two bob into the discussion as I felt that it was appropriate seeing as Im the new boy in town and it does apply to me.Regards to the many members,thankyou for my welcome to date and I look forward to continuing a fruitful and informative association with you all.

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