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Crash damaged 16v manta! (£2850)


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for sale one crash damaged manta (not complete) 

been told by insurance company today that to keep my damaged shell will cost 3800.

Would love to keep this one from the scrap yard in the sky but don't wanna be out of pocket! 

Let me know if interested asap as I need to tell insurance company decision soon! 




As it is now! 


Edited by Dom400
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no evidence just what I was told and what happened to me a few weeks ago


when I asked they said its normally 10% as that is the amount they receive if the insurance dispose of the vehicle themselves to the salvage company


perhaps you need to speak to them again or the insurance omnibus


is the car still in your possession don't let it go until your happy

the salvage companies would not exist if they paid a large % as am sure they won't be paying £3,800

they took the money out of my payout as I agreed with the settlement for my car

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Something odd is going on for such a large charge for the salvage certainly, or some new rule they have.

But even with that buy back cost deducted off the payout you should be able to get the car repaired for that amount without much trouble. Admittedly from those photo's you can't see the full extent of the damage to chassis rails etc, but judging from what i have seen in the past that wouldn't be a hard repair at all.

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I'm gonna call them again and see if I can get a better price, but without evidence from other claims just hearsay I don't think they will lower the price. Mainly because I think there pissed I'm getting nearly all that I insured it for! 🙄

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Remember that if they have the car in storage arguing costs them money as storage charges build.  However, if you already settled without saying it was conditional on buying back salvage then it may well be their car already and you would have no leverage.

Also for most of us that haven't done the maths to prove the earth goes around the sun, that too is hearsay.


Edited by mantadoc
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Ok called the insurance muppets today and to keep this car will be 30% of the total value @ £2850! Was given a incorrect number previously, so if someone would like to help me keep one of the best mantas from the crusher pls let me know immediately! 




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  • 3 weeks later...
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Right I'm going to be pretty f***king blunt here.

To see prices such as this for a smashed up car with all the good bits taken, gives exactly how much incentive to people that have time, skills, and cash to buy a Manta?

I'm actively looking for a good project to put my mark on, and seeing stupid over inflated prices for vehicles such as this is sheer nonsense. 

Can we all get a reality check please,,,,, It doesn't matter how good it "Once was" it simply isn't no longer.  And as for "It could be made to look like this (where some clown attaches a photo) well of course it could if you have thousands to spend on a car. and finally may well not be worth the cash you pour into it. 

With spares prices what they are and so scarce I would hazard a guess that someone with no personal ability to weld, prep, paint and do mechanics would be looking at £15k + to attain a £6k+ vehicle....

So when vehicles like this crop up just short of £3k it simply does not equate.

Not intending to cause offence but to me and quite possibly many others this is actually the reality, can the owners of scrap vehicles get their heads out of where they shouldn't be and can us potential buyers stop standing for this nonsense.

Rant over.......... 

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If people are paying the prices Clive then its obviously a good price. Times have dramatically changed over the past 3-5 years with what i would say is a 100% rise in prices across all Mantas. 

Rotten breaker 6 years ago - £300-£600 and now that car would be £1000-£1200

Mint Exclusive 6 years ago - £4500-£6000 and now that car would be £10,000 - £13,000 (a lot are changing hands under the radar for mega money) 

people are paying the prices, the demand is greater than ever - hence your parts being requested more and more Clive. :thumbup

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I bought my first one in 2012 I believe, even in the space of 5 years the prices have gone mad. I honestly didn't think id be able to get back into one but got lucky with my 1800S.

I'd say.. there are still some bargains out there to be had. You don't have to spend 6k+ but the chances of getting a good one for a bargain are getting very slim.

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4 hours ago, zublet said:

I bought my first one in 2012 I believe, even in the space of 5 years the prices have gone mad. I honestly didn't think id be able to get back into one but got lucky with my 1800S.

I'd say.. there are still some bargains out there to be had. You don't have to spend 6k+ but the chances of getting a good one for a bargain are getting very slim.

prices have risen considerably in the last 5 years & that is a good thing because it means more are now being saved as its worth doing.

The most economical way into Manta ownership at the moment is to buy a 1.8 hatch, check out this hatch which given its history is a bargain imo


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I guess prices will keep going up. My manta had a rover v8 put in 20 years ago and that would of probably of added a lot of value to it at the time. Now it's having a partial restoration it'd make more sense putting back to original spec as this is were the money is. As it is il keep the v8 as i won't be selling but manta's are definitely worth spending money on now and keeping original.

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