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79 Manta 2.0 SR Coupe “Auto”

looking much better than it did but now stuck for parts !!

Anybody know where I can source replacements bolts .

I had to cut the seized exhaust downpipes off my Manta and in doing so now need the 6 connecting bolts that join the exhaust to the manifold .

I believe I read they are M9 x1.25 but have tried everywhere with no luck .

Secondly I need the pre-silencer downpipe section as well as the old one was rotted out .

If I can’t get a second hand unit would a Sportex downpipe fit ?. I have the two rear  OEM boxes and can make the section in the middle .Want to keep it as close to stock as possible rather than fit a complete Sportex 

My last query is mine is an autobox so will the Sportex unit fit past the auto box . I’m happy to build the centre pipe section but don’t want to mess with the standard Sportex downpipe section .

Any help would be appreciated 



Hi David,

those 6 bolts are ordinary 8mm ones, won't be that difficult to find.

The ones that bolt the exh. manifold on the head are M9x1.25 and Edelschmiede has got them.

Grts, Herman


All of my exhaust to manifold bolts were either already sheared and rusted in, or sheared when I try to remove them. I ended up drilling nearly all of them out, but I didn't realise their size. I just assumed that they were M10 x 1.5 pitch, so I drilled and tapped the holes out top that.

Even if I got the size wrong at least I can now use off the shelf fasteners.

ps my car is a '79 Cav, so probably the same bolts/manifold as your car.

4 hours ago, H-400 said:

Hi David,

those 6 bolts are ordinary 8mm ones, won't be that difficult to find.

The ones that bolt the exh. manifold on the head are M9x1.25 and Edelschmiede has got them.

Grts, Herman

Hi Herman 

Thanks for size of bolts information . I should have measured them but derived the M9 size from a previous post on here .

They are indeed M8 x 1.25 (just measured thread centres) 

One problem solved !!


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