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(Also Posted on the OMOC Members Facebook Page)

2020 is rapidly turning into the worst year in living memory with work and social life being heavily affected by the Covid-19 global outbreak. It all seems like something from a movie, but we are gradually coming to terms with that fact that this is a very real threat and potentially here to stay for a while.

As a result, we are seeing that most of the events in the Classic Car World are being cancelled, what with the NEC Restoration show being cancelled alongside many other national and local meets. This is going to impact our hobby for the rest of the year.

All is not lost though - we have our Facebook group and Web Forum so that we can keep in touch. Some may say that the social media has helped stir up this issue, but we can also use it for keeping in touch with each other. We can organise some live events and potentially virtual car shows too. We could make the most of the time to get some of those projects underway and share what you are doing with other members, who will be only to interested to see what you are up to!

As for the VBOA show in the summer, we will obviously keep an eye on the situation and advise of any changes in proceedings. I’m lucky in that I live near to Sywell and am a fairly frequent visitor, and with Shaun also a member of the OMOC, we should get to hear if the situations changes. Please bear this in mind when looking to make plans for the summer.

Our thoughts must go to those that will undoubtedly suffer throughout this time. Those that have elderly relatives and especially those in the care system. Folks with school age children will also be worrying about how they will cope. For all of us with jobs, that is also another concern. How long can the country be locked down like this before we all start to feel the effects. I know that some people have already lost their jobs as a direct result and our thoughts go out to you all.

I think understandably, our plans for the rest of the year, including the NEC Practical Classics Restoration Show on 27-29th March are now all on hold until we receive further instruction. The organisers are looking to reschedule for later on in the year. At present, the Nation Classics Motor Show in November is still going ahead but I guess time will tell. Advice from the WHO and the UK government is being followed. As soon as we have any more news, it will be posted on our social media.

This is a very difficult moment for the world - not just clubs having to cancel shows - and every sector of society is being affected. Most of us have never seen anything of this magnitude before in our lifetime and the swiftness of its escalation has been shocking and disturbing. It is our sincere wish that you all take care of yourselves, be safe, be vigilant, and, most importantly, treat each other with kindness, respect, and mindfulness, and love for humankind.

In the meantime - get in the garage and socially isolate yourself doing something good for your Manta!


Paul B

OMOC Chairman


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