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    The Committee of the Opel Manta Owners Club

    Here you will find a basic overview of the Committee positions within the OMOC and what each role actually does.

  • OMOC Roles and Responsibilities

    This section aims to detail the main Roles and Responsibilities within the OMOC.

    The opening section is taken directly from the club constitution, with some additional notes expanding upon each role.

     6.1 Honorary Positions

    • President, an honorary and advisory position, to recognise the longest standing Chairperson in the club.

    6.2 Executive Officers

    • Chairperson, to preside over the Annual General Meeting and to coordinate and steer decisions of the committee.
    • Vice Chairperson, to stand in for the Chairperson, when they are not available.
    • Secretary, to keep the Minutes of the Annual General Meetings, the Extraordinary General Meetings and the Committee meetings; to facilitate communication between members and answer enquiries
    • Treasurer, to control the club’s finances; produce annual accounts.
    • Membership Secretary, to maintain the club membership files and administer and process membership applications.

    6.3 Officers

    • Publicity Officer, to keep the media informed of the club’s activities.
    • Newsletter Editor, to produce a club newsletter or magazine.
    • National Events Organiser, to organise the National Meetings each year.
    • International Liaison Officer, to correspond with and promote contact between the many clubs throughout the World.
    • Regalia Officer, to arrange production and sale of Club Regalia
    • Local Area Organisers, to co-ordinate local events.
    • A Series Register Secretary, to maintain the register of vehicles and assist in spares and services location.
    • Motorsport Officer, to co-ordinate and publicise motorsport based activities for the benefit of club members.
    • Technical Secretary(s), to support club members in technical queries.
    • VBOA Representative, to represent the best interests of the OMOC at the Vauxhall Bedford Opel Association meetings.

     Notes regarding Committee positions:

    • All positions are honorary and unpaid.
    • A separate expenses policy is made available which details the amount and nature of any reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred by members whilst conducting club business.
    • All Executive Committee posts are elected by the club members at the AGM.
    • All non-executive committee posts do not need to be voted in at an AGM.
    • Executive Committee positions can be held by anyone on an interim basis, until the next AGM, where the interim role holder needs to be voted in and officially elected.
    • IMPORTANT NOTE - For reasons of conflict of interest and accountability, the position of Treasurer and Membership secretary must not be held by a single person or by two related persons or persons within the same household.
  • The Executive Committee (in detail):

    The Club President:

    The president’s role is to lead the planning of the club activities, help the committee prioritise its goals and try to keep the committee on track. The president also helps to facilitate effective management of club/committee meetings.

    To do this effectively the president should:

    • Be well informed of all the club’s activities
    • Be knowledgeable of the future directions and plans of members
    • Foster a strong working relationship with affiliated associations, other clubs and the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs
    • Have a good working knowledge of the club rules and the duties of all officers
    • Be able to assist the Chair with committee and/or executive meetings
    • Represent the club at all levels
    • Be a supportive leader for all club members
    • Act as a facilitator for club activities

    Most importantly, the president must ensure that the committee planning and budgeting for the future is carried out in accordance with the wishes of the members.

    The Chairperson:

    The job of the Chairperson is to lead and motivate the Club Committee, chair meetings, provide direction for the club through leading the development of a final consensus from the points of view of its members. 

    The chair is expected to be fair, a good listener, and above all tactful. There is no room for “hot headedness” in this position.  Above all, this role requires someone who is prepared to look at the best interests of the club and keep this at the forefront of the decisions that are made regarding the future. 

    The Chairperson will preside over all Committee meetings, AGM’s, and National club events. They may also be required to represent the club on formal occasions and to external bodies (such as the FBHVC and at various award ceremonies/presentations and to the media).

    The Chairperson is also required to chair any appeal meetings which arise from grievance or disciplinary matters within the club.

    Finally, the Chairperson is responsible for ensuring the Exec Committee members discharge their responsibilities in line with the role descriptions.

    The Vice Chairperson:

    The Vice Chairperson is to act as an assistant to the Chairperson and to act on their behalf in their absence. The Vice Chair should also be able to motivate others in much the same way as the chair – in a coordinated and progressive way.

    The Vice Chairperson may be required to deputise in the Chairman’s absence to represent the club on formal occasions and to external bodies.

    They may also be required to manage ad hoc projects at the request of the Committee.


    The Secretary:

    The secretary has the responsibility for producing agendas and maintaining accurate records of all club meetings. It is also their responsibility to communicate with members, acting as a conduit from the members to the committee and vice versa.

    The role requires excellent communication skills and the ability to look objectively at any situations that may arise.

    The Secretary will arrange committee meetings, communicating with the required persons to arrange venues, dates and time and will assist with the running of these meetings. It is especially important that at the AGM, the secretary makes accurate minutes to publish to the members after the meeting and to add into the club records. The Secretary will keep a copy of all club meeting minutes and will provide them to club members upon request within a reasonable timescale.


    The Treasurer:

    The Club treasurer is responsible for keeping accurate records of the financial state of the club and to oversee the spending of these funds.

     It is also the responsibility of the Treasurer to ensure that the club manages its finances in order to carry out its stated aims and objectives each year.

     The Treasurer is the main nominated signatory on the club accounts, along with at least one other member of the exec committee. For reasons of accountability, this secondary signatory must not be someone that is related to or residing in the same household as the Treasurer.


    Membership Secretary:

    The Membership secretary is responsible for keeping the listings of club members up to date and enrolling new members.

    It is also their responsibility to produce the Mailing lists for magazines and mailshots.

    They may also be required to provide details of members to area reps as required.

    The role of membership secretary is vitally important one to keep the club healthy and to ensure that the enrolment fees are processed securely. For reasons of conflict of interest and accountability, the position of Treasurer and Membership secretary must not be held by a single person or two related persons or persons within the same household or in a relationship. If in any doubt, the committee should discuss and ensure suitability before officially appointing these positions.


    The Committee:

    • Newsletter Editor - to produce a club newsletter or magazine.
    • Webmaster - To maintain and develop the club website and forum capabilities.
    • National Events Organiser - to organise the National Meetings each year.
    • International Liaison Officer - to correspond with and promote contact between the many clubs throughout the World.
    • Regalia Officer - to arrange production and sale of Club Regalia
    • Local Area Organisers - to co-ordinate local events.
    • A Series Register Secretary - to maintain the register of vehicles and assist in spares and services location.
    • Motorsport Officer - to co-ordinate and publicise motorsport based activities for the benefit of club members.
    • Technical Secretary(s) - to support club members in technical queries.
    •  VBOA Representative - to represent the best interests of the OMOC at the Vauxhall Bedford Opel Association meetings.




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    The list of current Exec Committee Members is as follows:

    Committee Members 2022.JPG

    List correct as at the Opel Manta Owners Club AGM, 27th Feb 2022









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