Welcome to the Opel Manta Owners Club homepage.
This page brings all the latest club information onto one page but the site is quite extensive. Please use the navigation bar at the top to browse through the various categories. You will find the history of the Opel Manta and also details about how the Opel Manta Owners Club first came into being. We have a very active web-forum and you will also find a model history and an interesting FAQ page. You will also find the Mantashop here, where you can buy all sorts of gifts and Manta memorabilia.
Recently Updated Topics
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Our picks
2021 50th Special Edition
stoo2000 posted a file in 2020+,
We've made our 50th Special Edition of Manta Magic available online for club members.-
- 0 replies
Picked By
stoo2000, -
85 coupe resto
veron posted a topic in Your project,
Come take a look at Andrews '85 Coupe Restoration - Originally an OMOC members car in the early 2000s it's now back and looking amazing.
- 34 replies
Winter 2017
stoo2000 posted a file in 2010 - 2019,
We've made our Winter 2017 edition of Manta Magic available online for club members!-
- 1 reply
Centaur pics, info, owners etc
FlanFlinger posted a topic in Saying Hello and Welcome,
Help 'FlanFinger' build a database of Centaurs!-
- 109 replies
Welcome, Manta Enthusiasts !
Irmscher Man posted a topic in Saying Hello and Welcome,
Welcome to all Manta Enthusiasts!
Whether you just have a passing interest in the Opel Manta or you want to know a little more about the cars or the club, or whether you are a committed Manta owner and have joined the forum to spend some time with like minded people, I hope you enjoy your stay on the Forum.
I'm sure you will find it pretty easy to navigate around but if you have any problems or questions, please don't hesitate to drop us a note using the "Contact Us" section found in your menu bar at the top of the page.
Enjoy your stay and come back soon!
Warm Regards,
Paul Brennecker,
OMOC Chairman.
- 0 replies