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Help Needed Starting Problems


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right my 1.6 cavalier with twin choke webber on. i just purchased stood 16 years will not start unless you pour a bit of petrol down the carb and after you have run for a few minutes it will start every time. but unless you do this it wil not start any ideas on this problem

have had to change fuel line from pump to the carb as this was rotton so put new inline filter and took the cover off the pump to check filter in pump and that was like new no muck at all so has any one any ideas to this problem cheer

p.s have put new fuel in as the 16 year old fuel was a bit brown in colour but would run on it

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Nice thing about a car such as this especially with a Weber on it, is that there is very little that can go wrong.

If car won't start you only need to check points and carb.

With the information you supplied I would definately be looking at the carb first.

And would hazard a guess at some sort of restriction in the carb/jets, possibly not enough vacuum on start up to pull the fuel through but when pouring fuel in and engine fires up a lot more vacuum is created which then pulls fuel through................ Would be my first guess.

Good thing is that the Weber is a very nice simple carb which does a damn good job, not a great deal to go wrong on these, if dismantling any part of the carb, I would check that the accelerator piston has not perished due to the time this has been standing, parts readily available and all easy peasy work.

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