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Hello, A Series Owner From The North East.

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Hi everyone, just wanted to introduce myself and my ongoing rustbucket manta. I'm sure it's been on here before so some of you may know it.


I bought this manta in summer 2010 and used it on the road for about 2 weeks before the head gasket went, a result of poor engine installation (not done by me).

I drove it to the retro rides gathering in somerset and during the journey a heater hose rubbed itself to death on the bulkhead and trickled water out. I had no warning from the knackered temp gauge and early on the return journey it blew the head gasket, meaning a tiring journey home on no less than four AA trucks!

So I stripped the engine down and found that one of the head bolts had stripped the thread out of the block (!) so the fancy rebuilt XE that was in there is scrap. angry.gif

I'm planning to sell the OMG RARE gearbox, sump and mounts and put an altogether different engine in. The thing needs a respray anyway thanks to a crap paintjob after the vinyl roof was stripped, so I'll probably go for a pretty complete rebuild. Here are some photos from various stages of its life.










Thanks for looking, I'm sure I'll be asking for parts and help soon.



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