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Castle Retro Show


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This Sunday 19th May is a Retro/Classic show at Caldicot Castle South Wales.

Its just over the Severn Bridge on the M4 near Magor services so is close to people in the Bristol/Cardiff area.

Us Manta guys from the area went last year & it was a good show.

We are planning on going this year & would welcome any Manta, Cav or related GM cars that would like to join us.

Here's a link to the web site for the show


Here's a pic of us Manta peeps from last year.


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More information for anyone that would like to join a group of Manta owners this Sunday 19th May.

We are meeting at 9:00 am at Magor services on the M4 Jct 23A. which if your coming from the English side of the Severn is just after the Severn Bridge.

Then heading off for the short drive west along the B4245 towards Caldicot.

The Show is at Caldicot Castle & entry is £5 per car.

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We had a great time at the Retro show yesterday & Darren (Devilfish) won car of the show from the organisers.

Also another of our Manta mates from the area Ian who owns an immaculate A series Manta brought along his stunning Chevvy Belair & also won a prize.

All in all a good day out for the Manta club of Wales & the West.


Also James Coghlan (Stradacab) wanted to pose in Ians Chevvy Belair


Our Area Rep Martin Meadon next to the Chevvy Belair


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