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Give a piece of paper ,And pen or pencil any day ,And envelope,And the Auto trader magazine ,like it used to be,Or the owers club magazine ,with  pictures and phone numbers in,And  a phone aswell of course to call people.Thats wot I miss,the old ways.it was more interesting,I used to look forward to a thursday morning every week ,you new it was the lads magerzine day ,Auto trader day.but now that not the case.

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I was born in 1970 and remember the car buying days you speak of well.

But without the rose coloured glasses am struggling to find a way in which buying a car back then was better than buying a car in 2016.


Having to wait for the paper to come out.

Having to get in quick or miss out when paper comes out  because everyone has same idea 

Short undescriptive text about the car with no pictures.

Long drives to find out cars crap (because no pictures)

Getting a hold of the seller hard because no mobile phones 

Worse when selling a car as you would have to sit home all day waiting for 'That'  call that may not come 

Even the original autotraders were in black and white and often just one picture 



No give me todays buying and selling experience anytime thanks 



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