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Xe Conversion Parts


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Im going for an xe conversion and looking for parts. The main parts that I think could be the hard ones to get hold of is the 1.8 gear 5 speed gear box and I'm going carbs so a 1.8 distributer. I have the big wing sump and mounts.

Anyone able to help with these or any other parts that could aid my cause? Im near edinburgh so the closer the better but I could maybe make arrangements for pick up.



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if you are going carb and taking out the standard heater box/system use the astra gte mk1 dizzy with a 1.8/2.0 standard coil pack, the astra dizzy has the nearest advance/retard to the 16v timing requirements. these are available secondhand on astramk1oc web site. i have a gearbox but 220 miles away. got the 1.8 manta dizzy also and can get the bracket for mounting 1.8 dizzy to the front of the xe. or contct kev abbott he has vast info on doing the 16v conversion :thumbup .

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