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Manta A-Series Many Various Parts


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Manta A-Series Parts for sale,

Many numerous parts, including : 1.9 Engine, Rear Seats, Driver and passenger door windows, Rear right and left windows, Dash board, Centre console, Suspension parts, Trim, Mirrors, Headlights, Rear lights, and more.

Slideshow of parts can be viewed here : http://s34.photobucket.com/user/Davejo107/slideshow/

Sorry but no idea how to post pictures on this page, tried but keep failing.

Sensible offers appreciated.

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Seems that you guys really like rules, hows about an exception for a novice as I have no idea the value of any of these parts, so guess they range from £1-Priceless :D

Or probably somewhere in between...

If I don't know the value of these parts how am I supposed to put prices on them?

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I have no idea, sorry. Its a new part obviously bought and not used as packaged and all metal and washers are clean.

Sorry guys, but I am a complete novice to cars and their mechanics, hence no idea what most of the parts are or the value of them.

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What is slide 34 please.



Hi Mark,

Been informed from someone on site that slide 34 looks like new brake and clutch pedals, and possibly other pedalbox parts.

Hope this helps

Regards Dave

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Sorry all, seems I may of jumped the gun slightly, I have posted under a different forum for help in pricing the parts I have, will let everyone know and those who have PM'd me when I have a better idea of the values to the parts, I am a generous guy but don't really want to be selling dragons teeth for the price of chicken ones.

Feel free to continue to PM me or to post here for any more information on condition of parts as happy to post more detailed pics or info if interested.

Just need some time to get a feel for the values so please have patience.

Thanks for reply's. Regards Dave

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