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Engine Bits Please.


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Just one point GM never made a C20SEH. They made a 20SEH  which is a non cat engine and was found it he Mk2 Cavailers & Mk2 Astras and this was the 130BHP Motor.


If you have a motor the is prefixed with a C then it will be the C20NE engine that had a cat and was 115bhp, this motor was found in the later Mk3 Cavaliers, the difference is the the pistons and cam so you could make an SEH out of a NE if you have the parts


Just remember if you are using the NE ECU then you'll need to fit an 02 sensor in the exhaust




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Just to confuse you they did do a 20ne without a cat to.

Check the engine number, as there is no way to tell the difference other wise. As all the external parts from the later engines can be retro fitted.

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Ah yes good point Snowy, early Mk 3 Cavalier. If its from a late Cavalier they have a squared top to the cam cover and the timing belt has a tensioner between the crank pully and water pump



Yes and drive belts went from v to multi v rib. The cam belts got tendioners etc . These are good guides but all parts can be swapped over. That's why I'd recommend checking the engine number

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