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Frontera 2.4 Shroud ?


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hi there. have i read somewhere that the 2.4 cih frontera engine has a heat shield that fits above the exhaust manifold.stopping all the heat rising to the injectors/wiring etc. if so does anyone have one & is it likely to fit a standard 2.2 set up. ?? would be a worthwhile addition. or have i justdreamed this cheers all.. chris .cam. in .head.

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Yes the 2.4 did have this sheild but are now more or less impossible to find new and second hand ones and usually buggered but can be used as a pattern

To fit one on a 2.0 or 2.2 manifold you need to drill and tap the blanks but be careful you don't drill all the way through the manifold, i always use a hand drill from doing this



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so is it basically a full length tin shield that stops excessive heat rising from the exhaust? if so sounds like a good idea to fit one as the injector wiring always tends to get brittle from the heat. if anyone has one, even buggered then it could be used as a template. or if anyone could photo or draw round one flat would be appreciated. great. many thanks. chris..........

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