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Vauxfest at Billing 1st & 2nd of September


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Just got an automatic spam email from Pure Liesure advertising new events for 2018, the American car shows are back at Billing and they have created this -


Looks they are hoping to undermine the VBOA and get the Vauxhaul people back through their doors.

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This has been reported on Facebook due to change of manager at Billing ,it looks like its an enthusiast trying to organise an event at Billing on the 1st & 2nd of September.

I dont see at as an attempt to undermine the VBOA more another show that we can attend if we wish.

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More activity in the Vauxhall / Opel scene is no bad thing, but if people can only attend one camping weekend a year neither Harbrough or Billing will be a huge success, each one will dilute the other, i do think that Billing are regretting telling the VBOA to get lost.

 This weekend is traditionally the Dutch Manta Clubs show though in the last two years this has been a lower key event compared with the incredable Hardenberg weekend.

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I have been in touch with the organiser of this show, It has been in the making since before the VBOA were told to get lost by Billing, the events surrounding shows at Biling have unfortunately delayed the launch of this show.

 The idea of the show is to have a second weekend in the summer like the VBOA Rally, perhaps if Billing hadn't have had a rush of sawdust to the head both shows would be there.

 There is now a Website and FaceFook page for this show, here's a link to the website -

 Vauxfest website - click here

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