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In the process of striping down the front calipers need new pistons,pads and seals not 100% sure what I have think they are delco/delco moraine (any difference?).they look the same as Haynes 316 page254.also will need 2 rear brake cylinders  and shoes don't know if they changed thro the years or stayed the same?. 1988 exclusive.


A little more info now there striped.single piston,floating all the boots are pressed in with a metal ring(which I utterly destroyed getting out)  7 205 then underneath 16 01 and made in France stamp on them .good news pistons and calipers are good just got to strip rears out tomorrow.


My page 254 shows gearbox supplement page but they appear on 257. 

The standard issue on most cavs/mantas pretty much after 82 ish are the floating piston type with the sliding sleeves.o,haul kits are readily available for these which include main piston seals and boots and replacement sliding section rubbers and metal caps. The main issue with these IS the sliding sleeves which regularly seize up due to water.main brake piston usually survives unless boot is holed but as I say it’s all in the kits .when you refit these to the car make sure they still slide free as you nip up the retaining Allen bolts as unless the mating surface is perfectly flat they can have a tendency to tilt off very slightly to one side.making them stiffen up.

rear shoes are standard across the range from when the auto adjusters came in from approx 83.(as far as I know,unless someone knows otherwise)

When getting rear cylinders there are many that look identical and will physically fit but just make sure they are 19mm bore.

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