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Sorry to sound like the asshole shooie! most members are far too polite to tell you.

(1) Cutting springs is an 'No No' I don't know who told you its ok to cut manta springs? they are wrong!

Owners of corsas and other cars based on the macpherson strut can 'BE' cut. Cutting springs on a Manta can only be done by someone who know their stuff! going by your first post and the fact you are asking this question, in the first place? leads me to believe; I don't think you should.

(2) Cut springs will cause a car to fail its MOT, cut/broken (the same thing) springs are dangerous to the user and other motorists. Only half-witts would drive with broken springs just as other half-wits will drive with faulty brakes.

If you are looking for good 'max' lowered springs which are safe? I suggest you pm TJM (forum user) and he will sort you

out with 'legal' and 'safe' springs.


Edited by keith1200
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