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Cih Engine Dipstick Tube


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From the 'silly little parts that are still important department'...

Am midway through my 2.2 CIH, and now turns out I'm missing the tube that presses into the block that the dipstick tube slides into.

Anyone have one lying around, or a scrap engine they could knock one out of? It will knock out of the block using a punch or even a bolt I'm told.

I'm in Ireland, so postage will be required...thanks.


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I also need one after Fin if anyone has one? For my 2.4, My old engine was stolen by the traveller types when scrap was high :(

Im currently running with no dipstick at all and have to drop the oil to check it! Please PM me....

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you could, that would be great! Apparently it should knock out with a punch (or an old socket) from the top side. Haven't ever actually tried though... Let me know how you get on...thanks for the offer.

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Hey Fin

If you dont have any luck with getting one try Alf on here as he took his old engine out and replaced it with the one i had an i cant remember if it had the dipstick tube in or not. so he might have one from the old engine? worth a try?


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