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hi. can anyone tell me which resistor controls the set intermittent delay inside a standard 5wk1 641 relay please. im going to have a play anyway and think it might be the charge for the 100uf cap but if anyone already knows please. many thanks .🙂


hi. sorted it. it was the 100uf cap .substituting this for a smaller cap (say 10uf)gives approx 1/2 second delay and putting something higher (say 470)gives about 20 seconds.going too low is pointless as it makes it run constantly and going too high affects the return park.you could put a selection of different caps on a selector switch or put a 10uf and a 470uf in series and place a 20k pot across the 470uf cap .this only works for the 5wk1 641 /642 relays and some of the older external metal can relays .

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It seems to work well on the bench. Just working out where to put the pot on the car to make it look stock.have a few thoughts.

on the dash where the choke knob would be,next to the rear wiper knob,or on the column shroud opp side to hazards. Thought about maybee trying to make it hidden in the end of the stalk . 



An interesting little project Chris.

I think I would be tempted to go for the choke knob location to be honest.

If you want to E-mail me some photos, I can post them up for you - assuming that's allowed of course...?!


Hi ian.unfortunately i didnt take any photos of inside the relay but can open one up again to do so.the variable intermittent idea was something i had been toying with for a few years now but never got round to playing with.i agree with you on the choke knob position for the pot as probably the best but will let you know and possibly post you some pictures once ive done it. Cheers mate ,happy tinkering.

ps.ive just replied to your other thread ! 

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just an update.found out that the automatic wipe after wash changes after this which is not needed so did it again by putting the 100uf cap back where it was (c1) and doing the same changes to c2 (originally a 220uf)this now has the desired effect. fitted to car and working great.

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