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Ed's Manta A


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You may remember The Big Manta A Project (Pile Of Rust To Manta A) - http://forums.mantaclub.org/topic/24700-the-big-manta-a-project-pile-of-rust-to-manta-a/

Well, I ended up buying the Manta of Kev last year. After a few small battles, it's now on the road permanently as my daily driver and ongoing project. I've got quite a few plans my Manta so will update as and when the big jobs get done.

A few weeks ago I had the honour of using the Manta for something altogether a little bit different. it was my brothers Wedding and I was asked if the manta could be used as their Wedding car. I obviously was more than happy to oblige and thought I'd share a few pics from the event.




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