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Manta Hatch Breaking


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 Sorryt! Remove this ad please, I 'll break it and put the parts on ebay. I havn't pick the car up yet so I don't know whats salvageable or put  a price on the components until I get it, I thought I'd let people know possible parts could be available.

Edited by Cavtastic
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I totally agree with the above comments, something should be arranged, I don't know how or what, for members who are breaking up a vehicle, the way it is now some members are losing out on parts that could be available to them, as in the previous " MANTA HATCH BREAKING"  I support the system we have now ie LIST THE PART WITH A PRICE, when only a small number of items are involved,  but who can possibly list every part involved when scrapping a vehicle? Why not let members reply to the seller just by PM.

Edited by Julian
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  • 3 weeks later...

Expecting people to have a price on every part they are taking off a car they are breaking and listing that before they post it up is just plain stupid.

Who the f@@k has time to do that.

Many parts will end up in the bin because of this.

C'mon. Like the people above have said. Let members list cars they are breaking and leave the thread open to them to do as they wish.

It isn't politics, it's not even important.

It's an old car and we are all trying harder and harder to keep them on the roads.

Lighten up FFS

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I have got to agree with Kevin - it would seem unfeasible to list absolutely everything with a price if you have bought a breaker and are offering the bits you dont need to the club members. We should have a separate section for Breakers, with some open discussion about what is available and who is rotten beyond repair.


I will drop a note out t'committee and see what they say.

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Car not available sorry - I didn't really need any bits but was offered it to break and take shell to scrap man.


 Another reason for potentially getting the vehicle was to teach my 11 year old lad on how a car works and how it goes together or apart.


 He's mad on Manta's, It's really  difficult to price every part as you would be surprised the bits/parts people ask for! most I'd give away anyway if the  postage was paid for large parts. 

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  • 2 months later...

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