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the 1.9 cam is specific to the 1.9 so you need the correct one. a 2 litre one will physically fit but would need hydraulic followers as well. it seems to be your lucky day however . they dont come up often new but theres one on ebay right now.brad new. found it by typing in` opel 1.9 camshaft`


the 1.9 cam is specific to the 1.9 so you need the correct one. a 2 litre one will physically fit but would need hydraulic followers as well. it seems to be your lucky day however . they dont come up often new but theres one on ebay right now.brad new. found it by typing in` opel 1.9 camshaft`

That's interesting - I'm sure I read somewhere that you can put the 1.9 solid tappets/followers into the 2.0 engine to get away from the problems of wear and seizing in the hydraulic tappets. So is it a one-way only swap or what?



yes you can fit the solid tappets from a 1.6/1.9 to a 2 litre .but not the other way round .although they will physically fit.the 1.6 & 1.9 cams are ground for solid tappets.the engine will run & sound realy quiet on revving but have a very bad idle.how a 2 litre will perform with solid tappets i dont know but it wont cause any major issues i dont think.


yes you can fit the solid tappets from a 1.6/1.9 to a 2 litre .but not the other way round .although they will physically fit.the 1.6 & 1.9 cams are ground for solid tappets.the engine will run & sound realy quiet on revving but have a very bad idle.how a 2 litre will perform with solid tappets i dont know but it wont cause any major issues i dont think.

Like I say, interesting. But a bit academic these days, the Vauxhall dealerships aren't exactly awash with tappets for the 1.9 engine. Thanks for the info.



why. do you need a set of solids. i have many if you do. just let me know. mate.

ps. did the original person on here end up getting that 1.9 cam ?

mr.shonky opels.

No, I don't actually NEED a set of tappets for the 1.9, thanks. I HAVE a 1.9 and collect bits obsessively, but this is "just in case" mentality. Camshaft's more likely to go than tappets. My 2.0 already went round-shape instead of lumpy-shape, and had to be replaced. They tend to run short of oil and get premature wear. Has the tip for fixing this been posted, or would people like to see it?



Has the tip for fixing this been posted, or would people like to see it?


If this is to do with fitting a sleeve/roll-pin to the oil drain hole at the rear of the head then YES I'd like to know the exact details......much appreciated :thumbup




Just picked up this thread but if you are still looking for a cam i have a new 1.9 cam with new followers still in the box, its been opened but not used and still coated in protective coating.

if your interested try me with a sensible offer


Posted (edited)

If this is to do with fitting a sleeve/roll-pin to the oil drain hole at the rear of the head then YES I'd like to know the exact details......much appreciated :thumbup


OK no probs, I'll write it up properly over the weekend and post it next week. Easy-peasy really, just need to check before I write.



Just picked up this thread but if you are still looking for a cam i have a new 1.9 cam with new followers still in the box, its been opened but not used and still coated in protective coating.

if your interested try me with a sensible offer


Yes Ian, I am interested, but couldn't say what a "sensible offer" is. I paid £16 for my last 2.0 cam ... rather a long time ago. BUT if you are interested, I have a brand-new cam, I think off a GTE, for swap + cash? Bought in error, I thought it was for the carbed engine at the time. Can check what it is and get back to you Monday? Or you could pm me with your idea of an OK offer and we could haggle in private?


Edited by Brown Job

OK no probs, I'll write it up properly over the weekend and post it next week. Easy-peasy really, just need to check before I write.


Yes Ian, I am interested, but couldn't say what a "sensible offer" is. I paid £16 for my last 2.0 cam ... rather a long time ago. BUT if you are interested, I have a brand-new cam, I think off a GTE, for swap + cash? Bought in error, I thought it was for the carbed engine at the time. Can check what it is and get back to you Monday? Or you could pm me with your idea of an OK offer and we could haggle in private?



Sorry dont need a swop. We paid £25 for the cam 3 weeks ago so all we want is the same return if your interested. Obviously a postage would be extra or you can fetch it if your not to far away.





Sorry dont need a swop. We paid £25 for the cam 3 weeks ago so all we want is the same return if your interested. Obviously a postage would be extra or you can fetch it if your not to far away.



Hi Ian, thanks for the generous non-profit offer. Will defo have this off you, just-in-case. At current pump prices, Mansfield would be dearer to collect than to post, so if you want to weigh the thing and PM me with the total, plus your name and address, I'll get a cheque off to you. Can't pick up the post till Thursday though. Oh, you could try "Parcels2go" site if the postage looks a bit steep.


If this is to do with fitting a sleeve/roll-pin to the oil drain hole at the rear of the head then YES I'd like to know the exact details......much appreciated :thumbup


Hi John, I typed this up from some old notes over the weekend, see if it tells you what you want to know. Or maybe someone can improve on it?

Oil drainage and premature cam wear in the CIH engine

Premature cam wear can occur in “early” engines (no, I have no engine numbers to define “early” or “late" – wish I had) due to the tendency for oil to drain away from the rocker box just a tad too quickly as the oil heats up and thins during long runs. It can lead to slight oil starvation of the cam system and so cause this premature cam wear. Apparently, there was a modification put into “later” engines to remove this tendency, and it’s this mod that can be easily reproduced by the owner. With the rocker cover off, have a look at the rear of the head where the oil drain is located. It is, fortunately, a round hole. This means that a short piece of interference-fit tube can be inserted into it. The tube needs to be either angled or elbowed so that its upper end is left around ½“ proud of the head casting. This enables the oil, even when hot, to remain above the lobes of the cam, roughly at the level it would be with cool oil. Obviously, you site the tube with care to ensure it won’t foul anything in running, or work loose with engine vibration. This simple mod keeps the cam lubricated better, cuts wear dramatically, and also quietens the engine. The drainage at the cam drive gear end will cope with the higher oil level perfectly well.

I had this mod done at the time when the cylinder head was converted to unleaded, and it’s certainly easier with the head off. However, it can be done with the head in place, provided you can cope with the fiddliness of it.

Oh, and while the cam cover/rocker cover is off, why not remove, clean, and replace the wire gauze packed into the top of it, where the breather hoses are inserted? That fills up with all sorts of disgusting gunge and blocks proper breathing of the engine. Really radical owners have solved this problem forever by taking the stuff out completely and chucking it away, apparently without any problems.


so for the high jack, anyone with a 1.9 E camshaft, pm me please,

Sorry, no - but I looked at the camshaft I'm nursing at home (for no particular purpose) and it's supposed to be a 2.0E.

It’s packaged in a non-original GM camshaft tube (leading to the confusion over what it was for). It is, however, a genuine, unused, GM camshaft.

It’s marked 0967 R 90 090 582, stamped into the casting. As a clincher, it’s also stamped “GM” by the ID number stamp.

On the rough casting between lobes, it’s marked with brown and green paint. There is also a rather wobbly brownish-pink painted letter “B”, “R”, or “8” on the end furthest from the stamping.

Anyone interested? I'll whack this on the "For Sale" too.


  • 2 weeks later...

I havent sorted my cam out yet as ive been away in france working, but today i'll hopefully get the head off and sent away for an unleaded conversion and then go from there :) I missed out on the ebay cam but if anyone has one then i'm interested in buying it.



Well if you have a dead camshaft its the perfect opportunity to fit a ENEM street / race cam in your 1,9. You can even keep the solid lifters so that won´t be an issue anymore thumbsup.gif Will give you an extra 10-15 bhp cool.gif


Well if you have a dead camshaft its the perfect opportunity to fit a ENEM street / race cam in your 1,9. You can even keep the solid lifters so that won´t be an issue anymore thumbsup.gif Will give you an extra 10-15 bhp cool.gif

OK, so you increase your BHP by about 10-15. Sounds great. Killer question - by how much does it decrease your bank account?!


OK, so you increase your BHP by about 10-15. Sounds great. Killer question - by how much does it decrease your bank account?!

Well the Swedish currency are not exactly soaring theese days :)


The most expensive ones are 2700 swedish kroner = aprox 260£

They are awsome, and will boost your power considerably, but will really kick some arse if you install a set of twin 40´s :)


So if its in good condition this is still a possibility. Anyways you can also put in a 2,0S/E cam you just need the hydraulic lifters to go along :)


So if its in good condition this is still a possibility. Anyways you can also put in a 2,0S/E cam you just need the hydraulic lifters to go along :)

Was told that the 2.0E cam has the timing advanced and so upsets arrangements on older trad carbed cars. Sold it now anyway! Got a genuine 19S cam courtesy of a member on the Forum.


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