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Posted (edited)

just a bit of a back round first

Gonna put this on now, i've been told someone might like seeing this project, it all started a few years ago when i saw a programme called chopshop, where they put all the running gear, engine etc into a golf. so why not into a manta????

i bought the manta from steve down near santa pod about 3 years ago, but had nowhere to keep it, about a year and a half ago we got a garage up at the house, rented a trailer and got a lend of a jeep to pull it, headed to steves and got the rolling shell.. now to find the right subaru, i found one one ebay last october but it was damaged, bought it, drove it home needing a door, wing and suspension. i had a few days off work. put a second hand wing,dood and a bottom arm on it, its mot'd to august i thinkand had tax. so i drove it until 3 months ago when i got a company car.... so now the project begins, with a few pm's to johno, he said it could be done......... yep, put the body of a manta on the floor of a subaru...... i looked at it as up-dating a classic shape to 2012 as an i240 4x4 turbo. i'll put up as many pics as i can, theres loads

Edited by manscoob

Daz was toying with this idea 5 years ago but went a different route with the 400r.

Be great to see this idea realised, this is one project I will be following very closley........


Nice one john!!... HUNGRY for some of your pics mate!.. worst case if your project did get flaged up then would cost money have it inspected i no how rite firenza looks from under side! now worrise mate.. GO!!! GO!! GO!!! :wub:B)


It's easy to make your manta sound like a scooby without all the fuss, just take a plug or two out...... This thread should be a good un, when's the big chop happening,

Posted (edited)

the subaru comes into the garage for stripping


the manta after a bit of a trim


some of the subaru chop







Edited by manscoob
Posted (edited)

After the body of the manta was lifted off, i rolled it out of the garage, chopped it and the pieces, it was a really good floor. ah well. when the subaru was stripped, all the b pillar,boot and sill spot welds where drilled out to leave just the floor,





i drove the subaru out, so i could hang the manta up



then with the outter and middle sill removed i welded 3mm plate the full length of it.


Edited by manscoob
Posted (edited)

John, change the http when you preview on photobucket to img and they will show in the thread

I don't think i can do it from here

I've never seen sooo much manta removed from a good Manta!

Seeing it in the flesh makes you think, WTF :D

This project is awesome!

Edited by Kevin Abbott
Posted (edited)

just hanging around, waiting for a floor


i drove the subaru in under the hanging manta, then put the skates in under the 4 wheels of the subaru


Edited by manscoob

hi casper, yea gonna keep the full system, it sounds lovely, i drove it for 3/4 months until i got another car. the neighbours are used to it. :thumbup


Posted (edited)

got the body down on, then had to try to align it all

with out an arch


then with an i240 arch


the body needs to go down and the suspension, its sitting high in all 4 corners

the rear struts are through the parcel shelf


the first time ive tried the wings and bonnet on


Edited by manscoob

You need to do what they did on chop shop, tack it together, put some goggles on and give it some down a disused road to see what it's like, but make sure you video it, should be fun :-D


this is a side view




after looking at the car outside, i saw that the left hand rear wheel was in at the top, after a few measurements, yep it was, it must have been pushed in when i was lowering the body on, only one answer, a strutt brace. it wont move now!!


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Nice work Leapu..you have great tuning platform to work with now,going to be awsome group B machine now..that takes me back lol :)

Posted (edited)

finally got the dash to fit, its gonna need flocked to cover some rough edges, but its ok for now..


the next problem i had, wipers!!!!!! loads of ideas, single wiper, 2 wiper motors, but i wanted it it look like an original outside, only one thing for it, cut the baulk head out to fit the motor and linkages,,,,,,




but now there was a big hole to the outside, i didnt want to have to start cutting, welding, a bit more of both again... so


a metal cake tin


fitted with a bolt aswell for the wiper motor

the problem now was fitting the wiper motor when the box was all sealed in because, on the motor the slot for the support is side ways on.


modified with a kids bike spanner. (13mm if you wanted to know)




Edited by manscoob
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