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Door Pin Removal


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I got a Sykes Pickavant one and bent it. Don't want to discourage you but you can easily spend all day trying to pull a pair of doors off. Ended up getting a mate to take his grinder to the hinges! That only works if the doors coming off are scrap though...

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Wull av soaked um in diesel und un ran awe tap doon grabbed thi fecker nae probs und wiz like pooin awe tooth popped oot nae probs, awe stud extractor wid probs dae thi same if gettin awe bite.

Hid wan owe they door pin removal tools metal as saft as Sh..!! plus geed oot tae some wan years back und niver got back so if yae kin mind who yae urr readin thi JIST KEEP UM!!

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Yup! very true, guess am awe lucky fecker or they wurnae thaut tight. Noo jist had awe thought hooz aboot freezin thi feckers wid drap oot an awe! widnae ken who ti git thi door intae mi freezer though!!

But yae could use yon plumbers magi can that freezes thi pipes tae shrink thi door pin awe tad tae poo oot.

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Like that idea alot, Rab . ;)

Ive got to be honest and confess

I too have taken the grinder to the

hinges ... (Well, a petrol stone-cutter really ! )

Had a thinner blade than the grinder .. ;)

sliced thru the hinges along the A post naw prub's

und niver wunt nigh thi daws atull ....

Im awae ti thi ploomers ..... :D

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i made my actual tool from a 2 foot long bar with a suitable thin slotted end cut into it.but bought the actual pull out pins via a local garage.think they were sykes pickavant ones. i had been previously using 5mm dia long bolts & rounded off deep nuts.this seemed to do the job just as well except they used to snap more often than the proper thing. ive also had times when i cant get my tool through the pins & have got them out by tapping OUTWARDS & chopping off with sharp chisel as it comes out!but the proper way is definately best.

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Knock the pins the 'wrong' way first with a punch (knock top pin upwards and bottom pin downwards) to break the seal and then pull them with the tool (pull top pin downwards and bottom pin upwards). I made my own tool from a threaded rod with a rounded nut, same outer diameter as the door pin, at one end and a hefty bar bolted at right angles to the other end, strong enough to sustain some savage blows with a hammer. Pins would not budge until I knocked them the 'wrong' way but then they slid out no problem. Good luck.

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if you snap the rod when hitting the tool with a hammer, you can get the quick release bar/rod out of a bikes quick release hub just need the knurled bit to screw on.

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the offical GM Tool is a flexi slide hammer which is on the same lines as the one made by SAS in the above post. The GM one just has a large lump of metal the slide up and down the rod.

Works a treat, got the pins out of a '79 coupe in a minute or so


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